Devigest ADS
Devigest is an all-natural digestive enzyme supplement used to support the optimal breakdown of all foods. Devigest features an advanced acid-stable protease blend for enhanced protein digestibility. This blend includes Dipeptidyl Peptidase (DPP-IV), a specific enzyme known for its ability to break down gluten (wheat) and casein (dairy), which are both known today as leading sources of digestive distress in complex carbohydrate intolerance and celiac disease sufferers. In addition, Devigest contains a potent dose of lactase for proper digestion of dairy sugars, and alpha-galactosidase (the enzyme contained in the popular supplement Beano®) is now included in the formula to aid in the digestion of high-fiber, gassy foods...making Devigest a great all-in-one digestive formula.
Devigest may assist with:
Frequently Asked Questions About Devigest
What is Devigest?
Devigest ADS was formulated to replace Devacor, the first digestive enzyme blend introduced by Arthur Andrew Medical. Devigest is a broad spectrum digestive enzyme blend that will help restore the body's depleted digestive enzymes, supporting balanced digestion and improving issues associated with unhealthy digestion. Devigest includes a much more potent blend of enzymes for breaking down gluten and dairy products. Additionally, our own pancreatic enzymes require an alkaline pH for maximum activity. Sodium and potassium bicarbonates, which are normal components of pancreatic juices, have been added to ensure that a sufficiently alkaline medium is present.
How is Devigest different from its predecessors?
Devigest includes a highly potent Peptidase with 500 units of DPP-IV activity per serving. It also now contains Alpha Galactosidase (the active ingredient in the product Beano®) as well as higher potency enzymes such as Lactase, Acid-Stable Protease, and Glucoamylase. Devigest was formulated to be more effective and provide even more relief for those with digestive intolerance to gluten, casein, dairy, and much more. Those with a diet high in gassy foods such as legumes and cruciferous vegetables will highly benefit from the addition of Alpha Galactosidase.
What are "digestive enzymes"?
Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions. Every enzyme has a specific reactant known as a substrate, which can be thought of like a lock and key. Devigest contains several enzymes or "keys" that can "unlock" (or breakdown) many of the typical types of food common in our diets. The enzymes in Devigest are specific to the digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Additional enzymes have been added to help digest dairy products as well as artificial food dyes and preservatives.
What is bromelain?
Bromelain is a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme. It is usually found in a tablet or capsule form after being extracted from the juice or stem of pineapples. Bromelain also makes a good meat tenderizer, so it can also be found in some grocery stores. People with allergies to pineapple should avoid the use of bromelain.
How do I know if I need digestive enzymes?
A healthy body produces enzymes in sufficient quantities to ensure proper digestion of most foods. However, some people do not produce sufficient quantities of these enzymes, and often get the common symptoms of indigestion such as gas, bloating, heartburn, abdominal discomfort and constipation. These symptoms are common indicators that one may benefit from supplementation of a digestive enzyme, though they are not necessary. Virtually everyone, even those who are asymptomatic, could benefit from the use of digestive enzymes.
Why Devigest?
Devigest ADS is the best choice for maintaining optimal digestion. Unless digestive physiology is in order, no other self-regulating or self-healing systems are able to perform in optimal states, including immune function. Gas, bloating and abdominal discomfort can play a part in the everyday life of many individuals. Supplementing with a high-quality digestive enzyme may be the answer to many of these problems.
How does Devigest work?
Devigest is an enzyme blend that allows for more complete digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Unlike Devigest, many digestive enzyme blends are incomplete as they lack the ability to break down dairy products and food dyes or preservatives. Devigest includes an alkalization formula for optimal enzymatic activity.
How long does it take for Devigest to work?
The effects of digestive enzymes can be felt fairly quickly when taken after meals for indigestion, bloating or heartburn. When taking the product with meals containing foods that typically cause indigestion, the product should help alleviate the onset of these symptoms by assisting the body's digestive process.
Is Devigest safe?
No serious or adverse side effects have been reported from taking digestive enzymes such as Devigest. Clinical studies have shown that even extremely large doses of these enzymes are not toxic.
When is the best time to take Devigest?
For best results, take the product immediately prior to eating, or with your first bite. Devigest can also be taken after meals to alleviate digestive complications such as gas, bloating and indigestion.
Can I take Devigest with other supplements?
Devigest can be used safely with other dietary supplements.
Is Devigest kosher?
The formula is Kosher, and a copy of the certification is available by request.
Is Devigest vegetarian or Vegan?
The formula is vegetarian and vegan in accordance with the guidelines of the American Vegtarian Association.
Is Devigest Non-GMO?
The microorganisms used to produce this enzyme product are not genetically engineered organisms as defined by the National Organic Standards Board. Genetically engineered is defined as follows: Made with techniques that alter the molecular or cellular biology of an organism by means that are not possible under natural conditions or processes. Genetic engineering includes recombinant DNA, cell fusion, micro-and macro-encapsulation, gene deletion and doubling, introducing a foreign gene, and changing the position of genes. It shall not include breeding, conjugation, fermentation, hybridization, in-vitro fertilization, and tissue culture.
Is Devigest Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS)?
Yes, the specialty enzyme that makes up Devigest is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA.
Devigest Ingredients
A proteolytic enzyme derived from pineapple. Bromelain attacks the long chain polypeptides of proteins ingested, breaking them down into shorter chain peptides, which are then able to be broken down further by other enzymes. Protease: A proteolytic enzyme that is capable of digesting nearly every type of protein; protease is responsible for digesting the bulk of ingested proteins and is one of the three enzymes found in our body’s natural pancreatic juices. Devigest contains a blend of proteases to broaden the pH range of the product. |
Dipeptidyl Peptidase:
A proteolytic enzyme responsible for completing the digestion of peptides to basic amino acids. Dipeptidyl Peptidase is primarily responsible for the breakdown of gluten which is found in food items made from grains such as wheat or rye.
Alpha Galactosidase:
The primary enzyme used in popular products such as Beano, alpha galactosidase is an enzyme responsible for breaking down complex sugars into simple sugars. This allows for certain foods such as cruciferous vegetables and legumes to be more easily digested, reducing intestinal gas.
An enzyme which partially breaks starch down into maltose; amylase is naturally excreted from the pancreas and saliva.
Triggers the breakdown of fat into fatty acids. Lipase is the third enzyme that is found in our body’s natural pancreatic juices along with protease and amylase.
Converts starch into sugar like amylase, but is most active in a highly acidic pH. The inclusion of this component allows for many sugars to be broken down prior to exiting the stomach.
The enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of the milk sugar lactose into glucose and galactose.
An enzyme that digests cellulose, or plant fiber. Most animals (including humans) do not produce cellulase naturally and are therefore unable to use most of the energy contained in plant material.
An enzyme with the ability to digest artificial food dyes and preservatives, and is usually lacking in other digestive formulas.
Derived from the papaya, papain hydrolyzes protein peptides into basic amino acids.
Potassium and Calcium Bicarbonates:
Nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed most efficiently when the environment is alkaline (pH over 7). Bicarbonates help to alkalize the digestive tract, allowing for optimal absorption of nutrients and can also ease the symptoms of indigestion when taken after meals.
Breaks down hemicellulose, a type of polysaccharide that is more complex than simple sugar and present along with cellulose in all plant cell walls.
B. subtilis:
A spore-forming beneficial probiotic bacteria that aids in the avoidance of food-borne pathogens. Sufficient colonies of probiotic bacteria in the intestine are essential for immune health, optimal nutrient absorption, and increase resistance to infection.
A proteolytic enzyme responsible for completing the digestion of peptides to basic amino acids. Dipeptidyl Peptidase is primarily responsible for the breakdown of gluten which is found in food items made from grains such as wheat or rye.
Alpha Galactosidase:
The primary enzyme used in popular products such as Beano, alpha galactosidase is an enzyme responsible for breaking down complex sugars into simple sugars. This allows for certain foods such as cruciferous vegetables and legumes to be more easily digested, reducing intestinal gas.
An enzyme which partially breaks starch down into maltose; amylase is naturally excreted from the pancreas and saliva.
Triggers the breakdown of fat into fatty acids. Lipase is the third enzyme that is found in our body’s natural pancreatic juices along with protease and amylase.
Converts starch into sugar like amylase, but is most active in a highly acidic pH. The inclusion of this component allows for many sugars to be broken down prior to exiting the stomach.
The enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of the milk sugar lactose into glucose and galactose.
An enzyme that digests cellulose, or plant fiber. Most animals (including humans) do not produce cellulase naturally and are therefore unable to use most of the energy contained in plant material.
An enzyme with the ability to digest artificial food dyes and preservatives, and is usually lacking in other digestive formulas.
Derived from the papaya, papain hydrolyzes protein peptides into basic amino acids.
Potassium and Calcium Bicarbonates:
Nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed most efficiently when the environment is alkaline (pH over 7). Bicarbonates help to alkalize the digestive tract, allowing for optimal absorption of nutrients and can also ease the symptoms of indigestion when taken after meals.
Breaks down hemicellulose, a type of polysaccharide that is more complex than simple sugar and present along with cellulose in all plant cell walls.
B. subtilis:
A spore-forming beneficial probiotic bacteria that aids in the avoidance of food-borne pathogens. Sufficient colonies of probiotic bacteria in the intestine are essential for immune health, optimal nutrient absorption, and increase resistance to infection.